第一届 Trip.com Toastmasters x Trip.Biz 英语演讲比赛成功举办!
Opening Speech
Alicia Dai—Trip.Biz HRS 开幕致辞
Gloria Gu—Trip.com 上海Toastmaster俱乐部主席
1999年发生了什么?让我提供一个参考答案。这一年 Trip.com 集团成立。上海第一家Toastmasters俱乐部也在这一年成立!
Rosalia Shi
我们邀请了B.L.A.C.主席Rosalia Shi担任比赛主席,她的专业知识和领导能力在他们的角色中大放异彩,使比赛成为一次真正非凡的经历!
Dancing with uncertainty:What if the uncertainty is not something we fear, but we celebrate? This project aims to reveal the hidden potential of embracing the unknown on both personal and corporate levels.
Gender Equality:Embracing the contributions of females and working mothers not only promotes gender equality but also drives positive outcomes for businesses and society as a whole.
Embark on a new journey, embrace a new life:The purpose of this project is to thank every tripper who has shepherded the travel industry through the valley of darkness during the pandemic, and rally trippers to keep create and provide great services to our clients all over the world with the values we held fighting covid-19.
Life is a journey:We all have those days when our energy levels dip, and we find it challenging to stay focused and productive. Today, Allen will share his story that might help reignite that work energy within us.
Beyond a name:Reshaping world perceptions:The purpose of this project is to share her story as a foreigner in a foreign country, and to address the possibility of reshaping the world's perception.
To travel, to live, to feel:The purpose of this project is to review and reestablish your travel mindset.
Emotional value:The purpose is to help friends in business-related positions to have a better life and work experience.
Teamwork- Rock, paper, scissors:The purpose of this project is to emphasize the importance of teamwork and the 3 most important points for successful teamwork.
The importance of Toastmasters Speech Evaluation cannot be overstated. As a member of Toastmasters, receiving constructive feedback on your speeches is essential for growth and improvement.
Evaluations provide valuable insights into areas of strength and areas for improvement in your delivery, content, and overall presentation.Thanks to the expertise and experience of the Toastmasters guests.
Their valuable insights and feedback help us improve our speaking skills and strive for the top!